

This mandala is special. Using various textured threads and fabrics, I’ve created the effect of a pencil sketch, partially painted with watercolors. The embroidery is done on silk of a soft milky shade. Upon closer examination you’ll see its light golden dusting. One of the work’s artistic tricks is that while leaving some space for imagination, there is the illusion of incompleteness in the picture of mandala: as if the master is still in the process of this meditative action… As if a little bit more and all the lines and circles will finally take their places and we’ll see his mandala as a symbol of endless life, unity, eternity, integrity and perfection.


Embroidery on silk. The work uses decorative fabric, silk, beads of various textures and beads, glass bugles, beads of natural stones, pearls, decorative threads. Decorated in mat and frame.


66x66 cm